
When You’re Tired Of Waiting For Your Website Marketing To Work

Charlie Cook   |   © In Mind Communications, LLC, all rights reserved.

Here’s a note from a reader with a problem that’s familiar to many small business marketers.

Dear Charlie,

My web site has been up for six months and I’m getting a couple of hundred of visitors each week, but my site isn’t generating any leads or sales. My web designer tells me to give it more time or to spend more on Google Ads, but I to increase web sales now. What do I do?

Joe, Minneapolis, MN

Do you have a web site like Joe’s that isn’t generating leads or sales? The two of you aren’t the only ones; there are hundreds of thousands of business people who have put up web sites and aren’t getting the results they want.

Spending money on marketing that isn’t working is simply foolish, no matter what media you are using. The advice to wait and give your marketing more time or spend more money on advertising that doesn’t generate a response is just plain nonsense.

Picture yourself heading to your car to drive to a client meeting. When you try to put the key in the ignition, it won’t go in and you can’t get the engine running. By mistake, you’ve picked up the keys to your spouse’s car. No matter how hard you try, those keys are never going to start your car or get you where you want to go.

Marketing is the key to getting your business roaring to life. But the wrong marketing strategy or tactics aren’t going to take you anywhere.

The quickest way to improve your small business marketing and start generating more sales is to find out what works from someone who knows.

Discover the key to generating leads and sales with your web site >>

Today I’m going to share with you the most powerful secret you can use to increase web sales.

Information Location Is The Key
Any realtor will tell you its, “location, location, location” that determines the value of a property. The same is true the content on your with your web pages. The location of information determines whether or not your prospects read the page and contact you or not.

Put your logo or company name at the top of your web page and your prospects won’t read the rest of your page. Why? Most people first concern isn’t what your company is called. Your prospects primary concern is what you can help them.

Put a photo or your company name or a welcome message at the top of your web page and you’ve wasted the prime real estate on your site. You could lose 90-95% of your site visitors. They’ll never read down the page to discover that you have the product or service they need and want.

The most critical location on any web page is the part that comes up first on your prospects’ computer screen. Give your prospects reason to read the rest of your page, and they’ll scroll down.

What happens when you put the right information in the right places on your web page?

When Frank came to me, he had a web site that was generating just 10 leads a week. Given the hundreds of dollars he was spending each week on Google Ads, he should have been able to do better.

After a quick analysis of the information seen by visitors in the first few seconds at Frank’s site, I showed him how to make two simple changes to his homepage. Two weeks later, I checked back and Frank told me that his leads had increased, from 10 to 60 per week.

With a few simple changes to the top part of his web page, Frank dramatically increased his sales In the ensuing months I’ve shown Frank where to make other improvements to his web site to generate even more leads and maximize his sales. He’s now getting 150-180 high-quality leads a week from his web site without spending a dime more on advertising.

You could be getting 6 or 18 times the number of leads from your website that you’re currently getting by using the same strategies I showed Frank how to use.

I’ve been marketing online for close to a decade now, and have tested and proven strategies that bring in leads and sales. Whether you want to improve your search engine position, increase your web page conversion rates or boost your sales, discover what to do from someone who knows how.